One of the most important aspects of flow reality is its underlying and causal temporal dimension – that dimension being the moment-to-moment temporal dimension of flowing presence. All of the components and conditions of flow reality - its selflessness, its timelessness, its effortlessness and richness, can be attributed to the unifying temporal condition of moment-to-moment flowing presence. It is the co-creation of flowing presence, either by choice or by chance, that is causal to these different conditions that are so noticeable when you are in the zone. Each condition is a characteristic of non-dual flowing presence, so the simplest explanation of how to get in the zone on purpose is to get in the flowing present on purpose.
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What seems to be showing up in the athletic world are some major differences between Tier 1, conventional coaching and Tier 2, integral coaching, with the most obvious difference being that Tier 1 coaching stops at the zone, while Tier 2 coaching starts at the zone. That difference tells a deeper story involving the emergence of a new stage of coaching and competitive consciousness in which flow reality is consciously coached and consciously practiced by athletes.
In his book Everything Belongs, author Richard Rohr writes about the edges and the essence of life; about the circumference and the center, and how we live our lives at the edges, on the circumference of life’s true essence which is love, unity, fullness, wholeness – the same things you experience when you are in the zone.
Through my own experience with playing tennis in the zone, I have found a deeper meaning to sport that goes far beyond the notion of peak performance. Peak performance is always a part of the equation, but more than peak performance, it’s the state of unity with the game that becomes the essence of the practice.
Read moreBody-Mind Unification
We’ve all been told about the importance of body-mind unification to the peak performance experience, but what we haven’t been told is how the body and the mind are actually unified, much less how that unification process works to create a higher level of performance. So while body-mind unification is critical to peak performance, their still remains an equally critical question: how do you do it? How do you unify your body and your mind?
Playing in the zone is considered the Holy Grail of sports. It is also one of sport's greatest mysteries. The human peak experience manifested on the field of competition. We also call it flow, and it transports us out of our ordinary performance state into the territory of the extraordinary. But what makes the zone so extraordinary? What is it about this mysterious flow state that takes us beyond our normal performance experience?
Developmental coaching moves in two directions: vertically and horizontally. Vertical coaching development occurs as coaches move from one stage of coaching development to a higher and more complex stage of coaching development. Horizontal coaching development occurs as coaches move within their current stage of coaching development.
As a think about the evolution of coaching, I see an evolution of consciousness as well. It has to happen. Sport actually pushes the evolution of consciousness in a curious way. Everything is whipped-up in sport, faster in every way. The athletic environment is a competitive, problem-solving, fast-moving, decision-making environment that mirrors daily life – only faster. And consciousness underlies all of it. We are consciousness taken form and reflecting back on our own consciousness. Reflecting back not only on who we are but what we are at our deepest level. And what we are is consciousness – a consciousness that is not just limited to us as individuals, but a consciousness that is unlimited and universal, a consciousness that interconnects us all, is us all, is the universe, and we are all of it.
I've been teaching tennis players how to get in the zone since 1978 when I did something on the court that got me in the zone every time I did it, and when I showed others how to do what I was doing, it got them in the zone too! All of them – whatever their skill level, young or old, men or women, across all cultures – everyone who played this simple, imaginary game, would immediately get in the zone.
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Once I started teaching tennis players how to get in the zone, my job turned from boringly redundant to fresh and exciting. Every day has brought something new. Every day has been an experience of creative advance into novelty and greater wholeness. That’s what I get to do for a job. I teach people to become more whole through playing tennis in the zone.
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